Thursday, November 6, 2008

So glad you're here!

Greetings! Welcome, welcome to our new blog! I've worked at Wildtime Foods for a little over 10 years, and so many of you seem like friends and not merely customers. (Not to dis customers of course,) but "friend" means something else. We've talked to each other about our families, our vacations, our eating habits, our lifestyles, politics (LOTS about that) and what we did on the weekend. We share ideas about food from China, food from Oregon, and just what "local" means to each of us. I hope that many of you will add to this on-going conversation. We want to get to know those of you who are new to Wildtime and we want to continue to enrich our world with the friendships we've developed over the years. We're really glad you stopped by to say "hello."

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